Low-carbon Transition Principles

Low-carbon Transition Principles

Management policies to reduce greenhouse gases, water usage, and other wastes

CoAsia Electronics Corp.

Our company is a professional semiconductor distributor (electronic channel trading industry), does not engage in manufacturing and production, is not an energy-intensive or energy-consuming industry, and have no concerns of polluting the environment in the process of our production process. We have offices and do not have production plants, and we mainly outsource management for our storage. Therefore, CoAsia is not directly subject to the laws and regulations related to climate change such as the greenhouse gas reduction law. However, in order to contribute to the environment and the society and to serve our social responsibility, CoAsia has actively integrated the ISO 14001 environmental management system since July 2021.

CoAsia's environmental protection policy has a few main goals: saving energy, reducing waste, changing bad habits and implementing effective control and management methods. We care about issues related to environmental protection, sustainable development, and environmental improvement. With policies and regulations regarding energy saving, carbon reduction, greenhouse gas reduction, water usage reduction, and waste management, our company operates under and follows all the laws and our internal environmental policies. Through a continuous review and feedback loop, we are actively improving in ways to achieve environmental protection, safety and health benefits, and establish a sound, high-quality, and friendly working environment and safety and health management system.

As a member of the Nankang Software Industrial Park Phase II Management Committee, our company uses its organizational influence, insights, and experience in fields such as energy conservation, carbon reduction, greenhouse gas reduction, water usage reduction, and waste management to guide and help promote the entire software park's environment. We pay attention to environmental protection issues, actively supervise and prevent abnormal changes, comply with laws and regulations, maintain labor safety and health, and look forward to contributing to shape a sustainable and environmentally friendly enterprise park. The company's relevant environmental protection measures are written below:


What have we done?
Carbon Footprint Reduction

1. We have changed lighting system with LED bulbs in public areas, ex. parking lot, and saved energy.
2. We have changed office lighting system with T5 or LED, and adjust ceiling lighting design to eliminate over-lighting.
3. We have installed motion sensor lights, lighting timer, in possible areas of buildings and offices. 4. Good practices of turn-off-the-light, unplug-before-leaving is kept promoted.
5. One-hour-for-earth at lunch break
6. It is necessary and workable to adjust air conditioning system for proper office temperature. Suspend air conditioning delivery in warehouse, archive room where no people around most of the time.
7. We have long applied curtains or insulation paper on sunny side windows to keep the heat out.
8. Employees are reminded to make sure all windows firmly shut to prevent cool air from leaking.
9. We have evaluated the need of air conditioner inverter to save energy and electricity burden.
10. We have worked to install solar board roof decking for energy efficiency.
11. Non-smoking policy in office or building public areas for air quality
12. Give up dress code of neck tie to release employees from high temperature pressure

Greenhouse Gas Reduction

13. Promote paperless office by converting documents and other papers into digital forms.
14. Encourage paper recycle. Ask employees apply recycled papers in printing, unless it is official documents, to save the forest.
15. Apply reusable tableware in the pantry. Remind employees to prepare personal tableware in office.
16. No more supplies of paper cups or plates.
17. Procure only green energy appliances with energy labels, or frequency conversion embedded.
18. Replace old equipment, appliances with green energy ones for environment and efficiency.

Water Reduction

19. Assist NKSP promote water resource management with innovative water recycling system of rain and condensation water from cooling towers and air conditioners.
20. Upgrade toilet to water saving toilets and lower the water level.
21. Upgrade faucets to water saving faucets and sensor faucets.
22. Tackle water leaking issues as shortly as possible.
23. Diminish detergent consumption to save water.
24. Decrease employee apartment cleaning frequency for water saving.

Waste Treatment Management Policy

25. Start flea market for sustainable consumption based on reuse of all sort of things.
26. Reduce office paper consumption
27. Reduce trash can placement
28. Operating mandatory garbage classification inspection at a regular basis
29. Partnering with suppliers to recycle packaging and packing materials. Invite qualified eco-friendly vendors to deal with other packing materials.
30. Recycle used batteries, toner cartridges, CDs, wastes, packaging materials and pallets at a regular basis
We are devoted to encourage CoAsia employees and stakeholders mind carbon footprint reduction anytime, anywhere.